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Configuration with CLI tools

Talk can be configured using CLI tools. The CLI tools are available through ./bin/cli. Below is a list of commands available:

  Usage: cli [options] [command]


    -h, --help  output usage information


    serve       serve the application
    db          run database commands
    settings    interact with the application settings
    assets      interact with assets
    setup       setup the application
    jobs        work with the job queues
    token       work with the access tokens
    users       work with the application auth
    migration   provides utilities for migrating the database
    plugins     provides utilities for interacting with the plugin system
    help [cmd]  display help for [cmd]

Serving the application

To serve the application, run ./bin/cli serve. Please check that you have installed the Talk before doing this step. Below is a list of additional options available for this command:

  Usage: cli-serve [options]


    -j, --jobs              enable job processing on this thread
    --disabled-jobs <jobs>  disable jobs specified if the -j option is passed, specified as a comma separated list (default: )
    -w, --websockets        enable the websocket (subscriptions) handler on this thread
    -h, --help              output usage information

Database commands

You can also run database commands using ./bin/cli db. Below is a list of additional options available for this command:

  Usage: cli-db [options] [command]


    -h, --help     output usage information


    createIndexes  creates the database indexes and waits until they are created

Application settings

You can also change application settings using ./bin/cli settings. Below is a list of additional options available for this command:

  Usage: cli-settings [options] [command]


    -h, --help       output usage information


    change-org-name  change the organization name

Interaction with assets

You can also interact with your application’s assets using ./bin/cli assets. Below is a list of additional options available for this command:

Usage: cli-assets [options] [command]


    -h, --help                            output usage information


    list [options]                        list all the assets in the database
    debug <url>                           prints the scraped metadata from that URL
    refresh [age]                         queues the assets that exceed the age requested
    update-url <assetID> <url>            update the URL of an asset
    merge <srcID> <dstID>                 merges two assets together by moving comments from src to dst and deleting the src asset
    rewrite [options] <search> <replace>  rewrites asset url's using the provided regex replacement pattern

When using the refresh command, the age value specifies how far back in time to re-scrape assets; i.e. to re-scrape everything that was scraped in the last week use 1w or 7d. Supports ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days) and w (weeks). Assets that have not been scraped will also be queued for scraping.

See also, Asset Scraping for more details about asset scraping.

Setting up the application

You can also run a setup wizard to setup the wizard using ./bin/cli setup. Below is a list of additional options available for this command:

  Usage: cli-setup [options]

  runs the setup wizard to setup the application


    --defaults  apply defaults for config instead of prompting
    -h, --help  output usage information

Working with job queues

You can also work with job queues using ./bin/cli jobs. Below is a list of additional options available for this command:

  Usage: cli-jobs [options] [command]


    -h, --help         output usage information


    process            starts job processing
    cleanup [options]  cleans up inactive jobs

Working with access tokens

You can also work with access tokens using ./bin/cli token. Below is a list of additional options available for this command:

  Usage: cli-token [options] [command]


    -h, --help                   output usage information


    list <userID>                list tokens for a user
    revoke <tokenID>             revokes a token with a given id
    create <userID> <tokenName>  create a token for a user with a given name

Working with your application’s authentication

You can also work with your application’s authentication using ./bin/cli users. Below is a list of additional options available for this command:

Usage: cli-users [options] [command]


    -h, --help               output usage information


    create                   creates a local user
    delete <userID>          delete a user
    list                     searches for a user based on their stored username and email
    set-role <userID>        sets the role on a user
    verify <userID> <email>  verifies the given user's email address

Migrating your database

Talk provides utilities for migrating your database using ./bin/cli migration. Below is a list of additional options available for this command:

  Usage: cli-migration [options] [command]


    -h, --help     output usage information


    create <name>  creates a new migration
    run [options]  runs all pending migrations

Interacting with the plugin system

Talk provides utilities to interact with the plugin system using ./bin/cli plugins. Below is a list of additional options available for this command:

  Usage: cli-plugins [options] [command]


    -h, --help           output usage information


    create               creates a seed plugin
    reconcile [options]  reconciles dependencies by downloading external plugins